Florida Life

Quito, Ecuador is Just a Short Flight From Miami

One of the great things about living in Miami is how easy it is to travel abroad.  Today I am leaving for Quito, Ecuador which is just a 4 hour and 20 minute flight from Miami.  Although this country has been in the news of late due to Edward Snowden and is a bit testy toward the U.S., Ecuador is a huge exporter of goods and services to the U.S. and we gain a lot from trading with them.  Some of the main exports to the U.S. are shrimp, bananas, brocoli, coffee and chocolate. 

Pacari Chocolate has been growing in populatrity in the U.S. and has participated in the Fairchild Garden Chocolate Festival.   Republica del Cacao has also been winning awards in the U.S.  I am looking forward to bringing back a stash of both!

Artisinal Ecuadorian Chocolate
Artisinal Ecuadorian Chocolate