Buying Environmental Home Improvement Luxury Real Estate Selling

Is Veganism Going Mainstream?

Vegan Design by Deborah DiMare


The other day I went into Marshalls and saw a whole display with purses.  I thought it was a bit strange, since this particular display was front and center and quite a bit away from the other racks full of purses.  As I looked closer, there was a sign that read Vegan Purses.  Now it made sense.  Marshalls was making it easier for vegan shoppers to identify purses that coincide with their vegan values.

Apparently, many businesses applied Forbes’ advice in Here’s Why You Should Turn Your Business Vegan in 2018.  Although some industry leaders and innovators started well before 2018, the trend has definitely increased and become more visible this year.  The number of vegan restaurants in Miami continues to grow with Planta opening and joining a list of other vegan eateries.

In addition to retailers and restaurants, other businesses are also finding a niche with vegan consumers.  One of my favorite local designers, Deborah DiMare, is a leader in the vegan design space and her interiors, pictured here, are gorgeous.

So, in answer to my original question “Is Veganism Going Mainstream”, I think the answer is:  “It’s already it already has”.

Environmental Florida Life Hurricanes Pinecrest

Thank You For Being Late Is A Must Read



I just finished reading Thank You For Being Late by Thomas L. Friedman and think it is a must read for every politician, business leader, employee, employer…basically every one who needs to understand what is going on in the world today.  A timely read, it definitely is not a book to speed read through.  I found myself taking time to reflect on what the author was saying, how it applies to me, my family, my job, my community, my state, my country, and then extrapolate that out to other countries and the world in general.

Although he explores complex and interlacing issues that are accelerating at a dizzying pace due to Moore’s law, he also offers insight, both his own and others’, about how these issues can be addressed.  He acknowledges it won’t be easy, but a lot of the solutions boil down to trust, trees, community, dining room tables and chickens. Yes, chickens.

There were many quotable thoughts in his book, but some of my favorites, especially because of my long real estate career, recent conversations I have had with my husband about moving, and the fact that I live in Florida where hurricanes are a fact of life, several in the latter part of the book really hit home:

“I hope that it is clear by now that every day going forward we are going to be asked to dance in a hurricane….”

“…when people feel protected, respected and connected in a healthy community, it generates enormous trust.”

“When there is trust in a room, people are more inclined to collaborate and experiment – to open themselves up to others, to new ideas and to novel approaches – and to extending the Golden Rule.”

                 ” …the more the world demands that we branch out, the more we each need to be anchored in a topsoil of trust that is the foundation of all healthy communities.”

I have traveled extensively and moved frequently, but settled down in the Village of Pinecrest once my husband and I started raising our family.  In his chapters about Minnesota, I found a lot or similarities with South Florida.  Once you read the book, or if you already have, I would like to hear your thoughts.  Happy reading!




Environmental Home Improvement

Solar Energy Is Great, But So Is Tree Canopy

The City of South Miami is trying to pass an ordinance that would require new homes to install solar panels.  I am all for solar energy and think if a house or business does not have tree cover and can install solar panels they should.  However, I think instead of mandating it, cities would be better off encouraging solar by showing the economic benefits, fast-tracking permits for new construction that have solar and other sustainable qualities, and/or giving tax credits.

I spoke to a South Miami resident and he likes the idea of solar as well, but didn’t like it being mandated.  He pointed out that his home has an established tree cover so solar wouldn’t work for his property.  A lot of builders tear out old trees and then replant smaller, less shady trees, so another option would be to encourage them to keep the canopy cover!

Commercial Real Estate Environmental

University of Miami’s College Of Engineering Contributes To Sustainable Construction

UM sustainable concrete wall test

I was lucky to be invited to an evening reception and tour of University of Miami’s College of Engineering labs.  Titled Engineering in the 21st Century:  Innovation and Sustainability, the evening started with a brief overview of the engineering program by Dr. Jean-Pierre Bardet, Dean of the College of Engineering and was followed by tours of several of their labs.  The work and research being done at UM is impressive, even to this non-engineer.  In addition to several breakthrough developments in cyber-security and health care, including addressing diabetes and creating eye prosthesis, there were two labs that were working on items that directly affect the real estate industry.

UM’s Structures and Materials lab has developed a concrete using seawater instead of fresh water, which is a huge drain on our state’s water resources, and a non-corrosive material that can be used instead of rebar in construction.  Imagine:  no more spalling, special assessments to replace condo balconies and longer life-span for bridges and sea-walls.

The Industrial Engineering Industrial Assessment Center, conducts energy assessments at no cost to manufacturing facilities in Florida and Puerto Rico.  These assessments can help manufacturers save energy and money.  Keep up the great research UM!



Buying Environmental Home Improvement Neighborhood News Pinecrest

Going Green In Your New Construction? First Step Should Be Protecting Existing Trees

Well, it finally happened.  My neighbor has sold his home on a beautiful, tree-lined, deep lot in north Pinecrest.  It is not quite an acre, but I am guessing a huge home will be going up on the site.  I hope I am wrong and that our soon-to-be-new-neighbor will appreciate all of the wildlife their back yard is home to and remodel instead of tear down and build the maximum allowed home.  Over the years that we have lived in our house, we have enjoyed seeing fox and watching  large predatory birds nest and raise their young in our neighbor’s yard.

We are lucky to live in the Village of Pinecrest, which like many cities in Miami-Dade County, has landscaping regulations that include tree preservation, but I have witnessed lushly grown lots be completely bulldozed to accommodate  homes that cover the majority of the lot.  Once built, small oaks and palm trees are planted in the front and back yards with shrubs planted around the sides.

The house below is a great example of how existing trees can be incorporated into new construction.  The house on this lot was torn down but many of the trees were kept.  They provide shade and character for the house as well as a canopy to shade the street.

New Construction With Trees
New Construction With Trees


Environmental Home Improvement

FPL's A/C Duct System Assessment Can Save You Money

In December, we had FPL come out and conduct a duct test on our air conditioning system.  We found out that our air conditioning was extremely inefficient and that we had some major duct leaks.  We had our a/c replaced and our FPL bill went from over $300 per month to just under $200.  We figure the savings on our electric bill will pay for the a/c in about a year and a half.  We just had our duct work replaced and the house is so much cooler.  I have a feeling our bill is going to be even lower in the next couple of months.

Environmental Home Improvement

FPL’s A/C Duct System Assessment Can Save You Money

In December, we had FPL come out and conduct a duct test on our air conditioning system.  We found out that our air conditioning was extremely inefficient and that we had some major duct leaks.  We had our a/c replaced and our FPL bill went from over $300 per month to just under $200.  We figure the savings on our electric bill will pay for the a/c in about a year and a half.  We just had our duct work replaced and the house is so much cooler.  I have a feeling our bill is going to be even lower in the next couple of months.

Coral Gables Environmental Marinas, Yacht Clubs and other Boating Information Neighborhood News Pinecrest

Village of Pinecrest Passes Resolution To Protect Matheson Hammock

Matheson Hammock Marina

At a special Village council meeting this evening, a resolution was passed stating opposition to the proposed boat storage facility at Matheson Hammock Park. Council members felt that the county’s Parks Department did not provide the public and surrounding municipalities with opportunity to provide input to their Request For Proposals for dry boat storage at the park.

Although the developer said that opposition was premature since impact studies had not been conducted, it was specifically because of the lack of information available about the impacts of the proposed structure, which is completely out of scale for the park in its sheer size (500 feet long and 50 feet high!), that the Village passed the resolution. 

Matheson Hammock Park is a park used by many residents and visitors in Miami-Dade county and the addition of any structures should proceed slowly and with public input.  It is, after all, supported by our tax dollars and admission fees.

Environmental Home Improvement

Bathroom Remodeling Made Simple

Whether it is the bathroom in a home you just purchased or the one in the home you have lived in for years, a new bathroom is within easy reach, thanks to  You design your bathroom on their website and everything you want comes in a box.  When you are done with your project, send the materials you took out back in the box for recycling.

Environmental Home Improvement

Energy Vampires Cost You Money

Energy Vampires

I thought this banner was a creative way for the EPA’s Energy Star program to tie in Halloween with ways to decrease the amount of energy we waste every year through products that remain on standby.